In each gradient zone, the industrial estate land had the most complex shape, the lowest area percentage of each zone and the biggest mean patch size, whereas the communal facilities land and the residential land were opposite to the industrial estate land. 各个梯度带中工业用地形状最为复杂,所占比重最低,平均斑块面积最大;
The thesis discusses the methods to ascertain the material injury and mental injury, expounds all the factors of determining the compensation amount and clarifies the difference between the divorce damage compensation and the communal estate. 对确定离婚精神损害赔偿数额应考虑的因素逐一阐述,并指出在审判过程中,要认清离婚损害赔偿与分割夫妻共有财产的区别,不能以多分共有财产代替损害赔偿。
This part is based on the internal adjustment mechanism and mutual right of communal estate regime in the German, French, Italy and Taiwan area. 本章立足于德国法,法国法,意大利和我国台湾地区关于夫妻共同财产制的内部调节机制和夫妻共有权之考察。
According to the situation of our country, I put forward that it is appropriate to establish internal adjustment mechanism of communal estate regime after article 18 in the Marriage Law. 根据我国现阶段的国情,提出宜在我国现行《婚姻法》第18条之后增设立夫妻共同财产制的内部调节机制。
Regarding the internal adjustment mechanism of communal estate regime, there are two kinds of models in the world, one is include the single declared regime in the Germany and France, the other is the double-track of legal property regime in the Italy and the Taiwan area. 就关于夫妻共同财产制的内部调节机制来看,主要有两种立法模式:德国、法国采用的单一宣告制;意大利、我国台湾地区采用的复合双轨制。